Maxime是JW & Associates在上海科技学院举办的安全竞赛中获胜后来到上海的。他负责使组织结构适应全球市场,全球化和改进内部流程,整合和发布新的法规、市场和战略分析,为公司提供预测,并提出新的方向.继JW & Associates之后,他通过一家新成立的公司TEKID接管了服务组合,这是一家独立的公司。
除了专业职责外,Maxime还担任国际隐私专业协会 (IAPP) 的上海分会联席主席。他也是中国欧洲商会(EUCCC)的ICT工作组成员,出席研讨会、工作会议,并参与EUCCC立场文件审查活动。
自2012年起在上海,Alain FOULON在Fargo Marketing Services开始他的职业生涯,担任新业务开发人员经理。五年来,他为绿色科技、能源和F&B科技在中国采购并确定了利基市场和创新技术。作为商业桥梁,他对中国经济环境的专业知识帮助外国公司分析了潜在的市场威胁、法规和竞争。2017年,Alain加入JW & Associates,担任关键客户经理,保持牢固的业务关系。他还负责计算机取证部门。2018年,Alain共同创立了TEKID。Alain FOULON拥有法国商学院EMBA的欧洲和亚洲商业关系学士学位,是美国运动顾问的认证培训师,专门从事人类赋权。他是前上海UFE青年团体领导人(法国海外生活联盟,一个公认的公共利益法国国际协会)。
调查 & 发现
TL Group是Leaf 和 TEKID合资的结果,旨在以整体方式将数字安全和网络监管框架相衔接,因为世界各国都日益要求拥有网络空间主权。
Wi-Fi hotspots in coffee shops, libraries, airports, hotels, and other public places are convenient, but often they’re not secure. If you connect to a Wi-Fi network, and send information through websites or mobile apps, it might be accessed by someone else.
阅读全文With a high number of online accounts an average person has set up these days, many use the same simple password again and again. This ultimately leaves them to be preyed upon by cybercriminals on the hunt for easy targets.
阅读全文Smartphones have become part of our daily lives. They provide a more easy and fast way of getting things done. Despite the great impact it has, if smartphones are not secured then security threats may arise due to the large amount of data our smartphones have on our daily lives.
阅读全文LEAF is a corporate law firm based in china and licensed by the Ministry of Justice. With a team of Chinese and international qualified attorneys their experience allows them to fully understand the legal implications and risks of doing business in China.
Our methodology implies that we work in bi-cultural team to provide efficient solutions to navigate through the complex legal environment around the world.
PSU works as an expert team, providing consistent security development through preventive, investigative, and protective measures.
With a combination of foreign and Chinese expertise, as well as extensive operational experience in China, PSU is a qualified and trustworthy supplier, securing and safeguarding its clients' operations and brands. We create value for our clients by identifying risks, reducing problems, and reducing economic losses.
Digital Mountain is a leading global provider of electronic discovery, computer forensics, cybersecurity and next-generation Web-based solutions for accelerated collection, filtering, processing, review and production.
We help guide law firms, corporations and government agencies through the digital age by enabling more efficient and effective solutions for managing mountains of data.
Ecritel is a French managed hosting provider for SME and large companies. Specialized in managed cloud computing and e-business solutions, Ecritel provides services from 16 datacenters around the world: France, Canada, USA, China, Brazil & Russia.
We design, install and administer critical web infrastructures 24/7 on behalf of our customers, in cloud, hybrid or on-premise mode. Thanks to its ITIL, ISO9001, ISO27001, HADS (Health Data Hosting) certifications, its support services to PCI-DSS certification, and the respect of GDPR, Ecritel France is today positioned as the leading provider of a complete service, combining hosting and outsourcing consulting on respect for the prudential and legal constraints of the EU.