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  • 作者: Tlhalefo NTSHUMAELO

Physically Secure Your IT

Physical security plays a vital function in protecting valuable data and data. With the ever-changing work environment and employee behavior, there are new network security threats. Physical security may sound sort of a no-brainer. However, new types of attacks, unauthorized access, and theft of element occur only too often. This threat has made devices more portable and easier to steal

  • 作者: Tlhalefo NTSHUMAELO

Securing Your Website.

The majority of website security breaches are not to steal your data or mess with your website layout, but instead attempts to use your server as an email relay for spam, or to set up a temporary web server, normally to serve files of an illegal nature.

  • 作者: Tlhalefo NTSHUMAELO

Cloud Security Tips

Cloud computing presents many benefits, such as improved accessibility, scalability, flexibility as well as streamlined application management. However, data security in the cloud remains a big concern. Companies can leverage security solutions such as security monitoring, data loss prevention solutions to prevent sensitive data from being transferred, stored, or used in an insecure manner.

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